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What's Up, Doc? | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

What's Up, Doc?
What's Up, Doc?
What's Up, Doc?
  • G
  • 1h 34m
  • 1972
Certified Fresh89%
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Barbara Streisand and Ryan O'Neal star in a screwball romantic comedy that races across San Francisco in What's Up, Doc? Carefree, eccentric Judy Maxwell (Streisand) has a suitcase with an encyclopedia and a nightgown--and eyes for repressed, eccentric Howard Bannister (O'Neal). Howard has a suitcase full of igneous rocks to prove an esoteric musical theory and an overly proper fiancée named Eunice (Madeline Kahn). None of them know Mr. Smith (Michael Murphy), who has a suitcase full of top-secret government documents and a nefarious man-tailing him. Add another suitcase full of jewels, a crooked hotel detective, and a jealous musicologist. Put them all together in the same hotel. Juggle the suitcases ... and watch the laughs fly!
© 1972 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Rotten Tomatoes® Score

Certified Fresh89%
Critics Consensus: Barbra Streisand was never more likable than in this energetic, often hilarious screwball farce from director Peter Bogdanovich.
More on Rotten Tomatoes

Additional Info

  • Genre:Comedy
  • Release Date:January 1, 1972
  • Languages:English
  • Captions:English
  • Audio Format:
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