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Tiptoes | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

  • R
  • 1h 30m
  • 2004
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No couple could be more in love than Steven (Matthew McConaughey) and Carol (Kate Beckinsale). But Steven has a little secret he's been keeping to himself. He has a twin brother (Gary Oldman), who just happens to be a dwarf. In fact, with the exception of Steven, his entire family is made up of little people. So when Carol becomes pregnant and Steven is finally forced to tell her the truth that their child may also be born a dwarf -- Carol decides to have the baby anyway, knowing full well that when it comes to the important things in life, it's the little ones that truly matter.
© 2003 Langley Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Additional Info

  • Genre:Comedy, Drama
  • Release Date:August 3, 2004
  • Languages:English
  • Captions:English
  • Audio Format:
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