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Introducing the Dwights | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

Introducing the Dwights
Introducing the Dwights
Introducing the Dwights
  • R
  • 1h 46m
  • 2007
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Tim has a new girlfriend. It should be the perfect romance, but something is holding him back. He has a dark secret ... his parents are entertainers. Brenda Blethyn delivers a tour-de-force performance as a once-hot comic talent in England who fell in love with a one-hit country western singer. Now the survivor of a disastrous marriage, ex-wife of a security guard still trying for another hit single and the mother of two teenaged boys about to find their own ways in the world, she scratches out a living in Australia doing one-night standup gigs. Then her son falls in love, and what had never been a stable home environment before becomes a combat zone in a moving and hilarious battle for a teenager's affection. Every once in a while, a love story comes along that defies expectations.
© 2007 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.& TM .

Rotten Tomatoes® Score

Critics Consensus: Despite a predictable storyline, Introducing the Dwights succeeds on the strength of its sweet and earnest portrayal of family dysfunction.
More on Rotten Tomatoes

Additional Info

  • Genre:Comedy, Drama
  • Release Date:July 4, 2007
  • Languages:English
  • Captions:English
  • Audio Format:
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