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The Sea Inside | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

The Sea Inside
The Sea Inside
The Sea Inside
  • PG-13
  • 2h 7m
  • 2004
Certified Fresh85%
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"The person who really loves me will be the one who helps me die. That's love, Rosa. That's love." Powerful and life affirming, The Sea Inside is based on the true story of Ramón Sampendro, a quadriplegic poet who fought for his right to die. With dignity and courage Ramón battles the legal system, and along the way develops two unexpected relationships. Rosa is a lonesome woman who is battling abuse, and Julia is a lawyer with a degenerative illness. Lovingly teaching them about the beauty of life, Ramón encourages them to try things never thought possible, to soar through the sea of existence, to move to always move. The Academy Award winner for Best Foreign Film, The Sea Inside is a visual and emotional masterpiece from director Alejandro Amenábar. It stars Belén Rueda, Lola Dueñas, and Academy Award winner Javier Bardem as Ramón Sampendro, a role for which he won eight international Best Actor awards.
© 2004 New Line Productions, Inc.

Rotten Tomatoes® Score

Certified Fresh85%
Critics Consensus: Held aloft by a transfixing performance from Javier Bardem as a terminally ill man who chooses to die, The Sea Inside transcends its melodramatic story with tenderness and grace.
More on Rotten Tomatoes

Additional Info

  • Genre:Drama
  • Release Date:December 17, 2004
  • Languages:Spanish
  • Captions:English
  • Audio Format:
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