The Perfect Storm | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

The Perfect Storm
The Perfect Storm
- PG-13
- 2h 9m
- 2000
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Sebastian Junger's phenomenal best seller hits the screen starring George Clooney as the veteran skipper of a fishing boat on a collision course with fate in the suspense-filled true story of The Perfect Storm. Just days after returning from a disappointing fishing trip, Andrea Gail captain Billy Tyne (Clooney) decides to return to the sea to trawl for swordfish one last time before the season ends. From the port of Gloucester, Massachusetts, Tyne and a five-man crew that includes seaman Bobby Shatford (Mark Wahlberg) set sail for the Flemish Cap, rich fishing grounds far beyond the vessel's normal range. Out at sea, Tyne learns of an impending storm but thinks he can outrun it. Little does he know that he's contending with not one but three weather fronts that unite to create the fiercest, most destructive storm of the 20th century!
© 2000 Warner Bros., A Division of Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: While the special effects are well done and quite impressive, this film suffers from any actual drama or characterization. The end result is a film that offers nifty eye-candy and nothing else.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Drama
- Release Date:June 30, 2000
- Languages:English
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:5.1
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