Poseidon | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
- PG-13
- 1h 38m
- 2006
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It's New Year's Eve and the party is in full swing aboard a luxury cruise ship in the North Atlantic. Suddenly, a massive wave strikes the liner, pitching the ship to port then rolling it completely upside down--and starting a desperate fight to survive, to escape the capsized and sinking Poseidon. Passengers and crew are thrown into free fall, crushed by debris or dragged into the sea as water bursts in through shattered windows. Supports collapse, broken gas lines ignite flash fires and lights fail, leaving vast sections of the ship in darkness and chaos. In the aftermath, a few hundred survivors are left to huddle in the still-intact main ballroom, now resting below the waterline. They should stay together, the captain says, and wait here for rescue. But one man, professional gambler Dylan Johns (Josh Lucas--Glory Road), chooses to test the odds alone.
© 2006 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: This remake of The Poseidon Adventure delivers dazzling special effects. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that any of the budget was left over to devote to the script.
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Additional Info
- Genre:Action, Drama
- Release Date:May 12, 2006
- Languages:English
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:5.1
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