Million Dollar Baby | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
Million Dollar Baby
Million Dollar Baby
- PG-13
- 2h 12m
- 2004
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Academy Award winners Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman star in this gritty drama of a veteran boxing trainer, his former boxing cohort--and the woman who strides into his gym and announces she intends to become a professional fighter, a Million Dollar Baby. Maggie Fitzgerald (Swank) has never had much, but she knows what she wants and she will do whatever it takes to get it. In a life of constant struggle, Maggie has gotten by on raw talent, unshakeable focus and a tremendous force of will--which persuade Frankie Dunn (Eastwood), against his better judgment, to train someone who's both female and too old to begin a career. With Dunn's experience and Fitzgerald's talent and determination, the boxer finds herself on track to be the first female to win one million dollars in prize money. But the risks are high, the odds long and the ring unforgiving--as Dunn and Fitzgerald will discover--in this lacerating, knockdown drama.
© 2004 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Clint Eastwood's assured direction - combined with knockout performances from Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman - help Million Dollar Baby to transcend its clichés, and the result is deeply heartfelt and moving.
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Additional Info
- Genre:Drama
- Release Date:December 15, 2004
- Languages:English
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:5.1
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