Labyrinth | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

- PG
- 1h 41m
- 1986
David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly invite you into a magical universe where nothing is what it seems! Babysitting infant stepbrother Toby on a weekend night isn't young Sarah's (Connelly) idea of fun. Frustrated by his crying, she secretly imagines the Goblins from her favorite book, Labyrinth, carrying Toby away. When her fantasy comes true, a distraught Sarah must enter a maze of illusion to bring Toby back from a kingdom inhabited by mystical creatures and governed by the wicked Goblin King (Bowie).
TM & 1986, 2007 The Jim Henson Company. LABYRINTH mark & logo are trademarks of The Jim Henson Company. LABYRINTH characters 1986 Labyrinth Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: While it's arguably more interesting on a visual level, Labyrinth provides further proof of director Jim Henson's boundless imagination.
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Additional Info
- Genre:Family, Fantasy
- Release Date:June 27, 1986
- Languages:English, Spanish
- Captions:English, Spanish
- Audio Format:5.1
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