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Gun Shy | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

Gun Shy
Gun Shy
Gun Shy
  • R
  • 1h 41m
  • 2000
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Liam Neeson and Oliver Platt star with Sandra Bullock in an outrageously offbeat comedy about what happens when a busy undercover cop suddenly loses his legendary nerves of steel! The only way Charlie (Neeson), a respected D.E.A. agent traumatized by a hair-raising run-in with some ruthless gangsters, can do his job is with the embarrassing treatments of an attractive nurse (Bullock) and the questionable psychotherapy provided by a highly unstable support group! And since he's stuck in a deep-cover sting operation until he nabs a wisecracking, trigger-happy Mafia leader who scares him to death (Platt), Charlie can only hope to fake his tough-as-nails image long enough to make this one last bust ... and make it out alive! Loaded with huge stars and big laughs -- you can't miss with this high-caliber comedy hit!
© 2000 Hollywood Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes® Score

Critics Consensus: A dark comedy of the low brow nature -- filled with fart and gay jokes. Even Liam Neeson and Sandra Bullock cannot save this failure.
More on Rotten Tomatoes

Additional Info

  • Genre:Comedy
  • Release Date:February 4, 2000
  • Languages:English, Spanish
  • Captions:English, Spanish
  • Audio Format:
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