Gossip | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
- R
- 1h 30m
- 2000
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Psst! Did you hear about Beau and Naomi? Everyone who's anyone on campus is in the know. But what almost no one knows is that the vicious rumor is a hoax. Three journalism students planted the trashy little story, planning to track how it changes as it burns through the university. But what goes around comes around. Alluring young talents – James Marsden (The X-Men), Lena Headey (Onegin), Norman Reedus (The Boondock Saints) and Kate Hudson (200 Cigarettes) among them – team with screen veterans Edward James Olmos, Sharon Lawrence and Eric Bogosian in this hip, twist-filled thriller. The word's out. Pass it on. Gossip can turn you on. Or it can turn on you.
© 2000 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Gossip drags on far beyond its entertainment value.
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Additional Info
- Genre:Drama, Thriller
- Release Date:April 21, 2000
- Languages:English
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:5.1
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