Extinction | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
- R
- 1h 53m
- 2015
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For nine years, Patrick (Matthew Fox), Jack (Jeffrey Donovan) and his daughter Lu (Quinn McColgan) have outlasted the zombie apocalypse by shutting themselves off in the snowbound town of Harmony. The monsters have seemingly disappeared, with no sign of other survivors, but the constant fear of the unknown is starting to take a toll on this makeshift family. When Patrick goes scavenging for food, he discovers the undead have returned and evolved into something terrifying, beyond imagination. Will the last breath of the human race survive a second zombie apocalypse?
© 2015 Vaca Films Studio, S.L., Ombra Films, S.L., Welcome To Harmoney, A.I.E., Telefonica Studios, S.L.U. and Laokoon Cinema, KFT. All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Extinction has a few intriguing ideas, but they -- and some game performances from its talented stars -- are lost in the movie's muddled plot and frustrating pacing.
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Additional Info
- Genre:Horror, Drama, Sci-Fi
- Release Date:July 31, 2015
- Languages:English, Spanish
- Captions:English, Spanish
- Audio Format:5.1
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