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Blindfold | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

  • NR
  • 1h 41m
  • 1966
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Sinister surprises lurk in the dark for Rock Hudson in the riveting thriller, Blindfold. Dr. Bartholomew Snow (Hudson) is a respected New York psychologist recruited to meet with scientist Arthur Vincenti (Alejandro Rey) who suffered from a mental breakdown, while the scientist completes a top-secret military project. Due to the level of the classified work, Snow must be blindfolded when taken to Vincenti's location. When a group of enemy agents gets to the troubled scientist, Snow is the only one who can find him… and he may have to wear a blindfold to do it.
© 1966 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.

Additional Info

  • Genre:Comedy, Thriller
  • Release Date:July 1, 1966
  • Languages:English
  • Captions:English
  • Audio Format:
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