Analyze That | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
Analyze That
Analyze That
- R
- 1h 40m
- 2002
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Robert De Niro and Billy Crystal are back as the mob boss and his reluctant psychotherapist from Analyze This in the hilarious Analyze That. Day after day, Paul Vitti (De Niro), New York's most notorious gangland figure, shuffles semi-catatonic around his prison cell, occasionally breaking into show tunes. Is Vitti having a nervous breakdown, or is his behavior a ploy for an early release? The FBI isn't sure ... and neither is his former psychotherapist, Ben Sobel (Billy Crystal). It will take time to examine the demons lurking in Vitti's mind--time that Sobel doesn't want to give. Not to Vitti. But the reluctant psychiatrist has no choice: Vitti is released to Sobel's custody, becoming his patient again and, even worse, his houseguest--bringing his demons and would-be hit men, both imagined and real.
© 2002 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: The one joke premise is stretched a bit thin in this messy sequel, but a few laughs can be had here and there.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Comedy, Drama
- Release Date:December 6, 2002
- Languages:English
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:5.1
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