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Wild Nights with Emily | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

Wild Nights with Emily
Wild Nights with Emily
Wild Nights with Emily
  • PG-13
  • 1h 24m
  • 2019
Certified Fresh89%
In the mid-19th century, Emily Dickinson was writing prolifically and in a passionate romantic relationship with her sister-in-law, yet is still popularly believed to be a recluse. Starring Molly Shannon and informed by Dickinson's private letters, Wild Nights with Emily is a humorous and bold take on this iconic American poet, who found herself facing male literary gatekeepers too confused by her genius to take her work seriously, and instead attracts the attention of an ambitious editor who also sees Emily as a convenient cover for her own bizarre love triangle. A timely critique of how women's history is rewritten, Wild Nights with Emily is a vibrant, irreverent, tender-and perhaps a closer-depiction of Emily Dickinson's real life than anything seen before.
© 2019 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.

Rotten Tomatoes® Score

Certified Fresh89%
Critics Consensus: Silly yet deceptively smart, Wild Nights with Emily approaches its oft-investigated subject from a unique -- and utterly entertaining -- vantage point.
More on Rotten Tomatoes

Additional Info

  • Genre:Comedy
  • Release Date:April 12, 2019
  • Languages:English
  • Captions:English, Spanish
  • Audio Format:
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