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Paris Can Wait | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

Paris Can Wait
Paris Can Wait
Paris Can Wait
  • PG
  • 1h 32m
  • 2017
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Anne is at a crossroads in her life. Long married to a successful, driven but inattentive movie producer, she unexpectedly finds herself taking a car trip from Cannes to Paris with a business associate of her husband. What should be a seven-hour drive turns into a carefree two-day adventure replete with diversions involving picturesque sights, fine food and wine, humor, wisdom and romance, reawakening Anne's senses and giving her a new lust for life.
© 2016 Bonjour Anne , LLC and A&E Television Networks , LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Rotten Tomatoes® Score

Critics Consensus: Paris Can Wait's likable stars are ill-served by a film that lacks interesting ideas or characters and has little to offer beyond striking travelogue visuals.
More on Rotten Tomatoes

Additional Info

  • Genre:Comedy, Drama
  • Release Date:May 12, 2017
  • Languages:English
  • Captions:English
  • Audio Format:
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