Toy Story | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

Toy Story

- G
- 1h 21m
- 1995
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Set in a world where toys have a life of their own when people are not present, Toy Story takes moviegoers on a fantastic fun-filled journey, viewed mostly through the eyes of two rival toys - Woody (Tom Hanks), a pull-string talking cowboy, and Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen), a superhero space action-figure. The comically-mismatched duo eventually learn to put aside their differences when circumstances separate them from their owner, Andy, and they find themselves on a hilarious adventure-filled mission where the only way they can survive is to form an uneasy alliance.
© 1995 Disney/Pixar
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Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Entertaining as it is innovative, Toy Story reinvigorated animation while heralding the arrival of Pixar as a family-friendly force to be reckoned with.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Comedy, Family
- Release Date:November 22, 1995
- Languages:English, Spanish
- Captions:English, Spanish
- Audio Format:5.1
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