The Eyes of Laura Mars | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
The Eyes of Laura Mars
The Eyes of Laura Mars
- R
- 1h 43m
- 1978
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Faye Dunaway (Chinatown, Network) plays the fashion photographer, Laura Mars, whose photographs bear a striking and unsettling similarity to actual crime scenes. Her work catches the attention of Detective John Neville (Tommy Lee Jones, Men in Black and The Fugitive, in an early feature role), who is suspicious of Mars’ “inspiration.” When models and acquaintances of Laura are murdered, the question of her involvement becomes more serious and disturbing. The screenplay is by horror film mastermind John Carpenter (Halloween, The Fog), with a concept creepy enough to rival the plots of better-known suspense films of the era such as Blow-Up, or Brian De Palma’s Blow Out or Body Double. The cast also includes Raul Julia, Rene Auberjonois, and Brad Dourif. Newly remastered.
© 1978 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Eyes of Laura Mars hints at interesting possibilities, but they're frittered away by a predictable story that settles for superficial thrills.
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Additional Info
- Genre:Thriller
- Release Date:August 2, 1978
- Languages:English, Spanish
- Captions:English, Spanish
- Audio Format:Stereo
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