Superman III | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
Superman III

- PG
- 2h 5m
- 1983
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Richard Pryor and Annette O'Toole (Smallville) join the familiar cast of Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman, and Margot Kidder for this blockbuster third installment in the wildly popular film series. In this outing, which takes much more of a comic tone than its predecessors, Superman battles a supercomputer and the evil businessman exploiting it. As Clark Kent (Reeve) and Lana Lang (O'Toole) become reacquainted at their high school reunion, a megalomaniac tycoon hatches a plan to use the supercomputer to achieve world domination--and only Superman can stop it. At one point, the scientist's meddling with Kryptonite causes Superman to split into two people, one good and one evil!
© 1983 Warner Bros. Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: When not overusing sight gags, slapstick, and Richard Pryor, Superman III resorts to plot points rehashed from the previous Superman flicks.
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Additional Info
- Genre:Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
- Release Date:June 17, 1983
- Languages:English, Spanish
- Captions:English, Spanish
- Audio Format:5.1
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