Reversal of Fortune | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune
- R
- 1h 52m
- 1990
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Jeremy Irons stars in an Academy Award-winning role with Glenn Close, Christine Baranski and a high-powered supporting cast as Claus von Bülow, an aristocratic, moral reprobate who's guilty of attempted murder but found legally innocent in a stunning Reversal of Fortune. In this shocking, witty true story that reveals life in a wealthy American upperclass that shamelessly feels no guilt over the consequences of its actions, a story that examines a legal system that sets the guilty free, von Bülow injects his wife, Sunny (Close), with an overdose of insulin. She does not die as he planned but remains in a persistent vegetative state. A jury finds von Bülow guilty, but brilliant attorney Alan Dershowitz and his team of bright young law students manage to cast enough doubt on the trial to overturn the conviction--even as they focus only on the academic legal questions and not on the terrible crime that has been committed.
© 1990 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Featuring exceptional performances and a cunning script, Reversal of Fortune doubles as a tantalizing mystery and ruthless satire of the rich.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Drama
- Release Date:October 17, 1990
- Languages:English
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:Stereo
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