Hard Target | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

Hard Target
- R
- 1h 36m
- 1993
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The thrill of the hunt. It's the ultimate drug, and the more intense the rush, the higher the price. International superstar Jean-Claude Van Damme teams up with world-famous action director John Woo for this electrifying thriller that WGN Radio hails as "Easily one of the year's best films!" Van Damme is the target of an evil mercenary (Lance Henriksen) who recruits homeless combat veterans for the "amusement" of his clients - bored tycoons who will pay a half a million dollars to stalk and kill the most challenging prey of them all: Man. Laced with dark humor and slam-packed with electrifying action Hard Target is a must see for action fans.
© 2008 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Hard Target gets a boost from John Woo's stylish direction, but at heart, it's still another silly, explosion-dependent action thriller in the Jean-Claude Van Damme oeuvre.
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Additional Info
- Genre:Action, Thriller
- Release Date:August 20, 1993
- Languages:English
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:5.1
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