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Gypsy | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

  • UR
  • 2h 29m
  • 1962
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Let this Broadway classic entertain you! By the time Gypsy Rose Lee became a 1930s burlesque headliner, she had come a long way from vaudeville and out from under her younger sister's shadow. But there was one force of nature she could never escape: the driving ambition of her mother, the woman who shoved her into the world spotlight. The powerful musical Gypsy is her story. Ringing with the Broadway sass of its score by Jule Stein and Stephen Sondheim, this production sweeps through a grand tour of old-time Vaudeville and the volcanic relationships between Louise (Natalie Wood), the wallflower who would blossom into the sophisticated stripper Gypsy; her mother, Rose (Academy Award winner Rosalind Russel); and Herbie (Academy Award winner Karl Malden), the salesman unfortunate enough to fall in love with Rose. Featuring the songs "Everything's Coming Up Roses" and "Let Me Entertain You." Golden Globe Award for Best Actress - Rosalind Russell.
© 1962 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Additional Info

  • Genre:Comedy, Drama
  • Release Date:November 1, 1962
  • Languages:English
  • Captions:English
  • Audio Format:
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