Guess Who | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

Guess Who
Guess Who
- PG-13
- 1h 45m
- 2005
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When Theresa (Zoë Saldaña) brings fiancé Simon Green (Ashton Kutcher) home for her parents? 25th wedding anniversary, she's neglected to mention one tiny detail - he's white. Determined to break his daughter's engagement, Percy Jones (Bernie Mac) does everything he can to make Simon feel apart of the family, from running his credit report to locking him in the basement at night. But when Percy gleefully exposes Simon's most embarrassing secret, it leads to an outrageous series of comic complications that only goes to prove that with a dad like Percy Jones, father doesn't always know best.
© 2005 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Despite the chemistry of its stars, Guess Who, a loose remake of Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, lacks the political relevance of the original.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Comedy
- Release Date:March 25, 2005
- Languages:English, Spanish
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:5.1
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