Geronimo: An American Legend | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

Geronimo: An American Legend
- PG-13
- 1h 55m
- 1993
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An American legend comes to breathtaking life in this explosive epic Western starring Jason Patric, Robert Duvall, Gene Hackman and Wes Studi as Geronimo. Studi (The Last Of The Mohicans) gives a stunning performance as the fearless warrior who was the last Indian leader to surrender to the white man. Betrayed by the Army's legendary Indian fighter, General George Crook (Hackman), Geronimo leads a small band of warriors in escape. Pursued by a principled officer (Patric), a grizzled Army scout (Duvall), and a gung-ho West Point graduate (Matt Damon, Good Will Hunting), Geronimo evades capture through brilliant military strategy and cut-throat courage. His true story is both an action adventure and a spiritual journey through the heart of a warrior.
© 1993 Columbia Pictures Industries,Inc.All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Geronimo: An American Legend fails to stir the soul, though its sweeping visuals and historical ambitions mark an intelligent change of pace for director Walter Hill.
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Additional Info
- Genre:Drama
- Release Date:December 10, 1993
- Languages:English, Spanish
- Captions:English, Spanish
- Audio Format:5.1
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