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The Parent Trap | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

The Parent Trap
The Parent Trap
The Parent Trap
  • PG
  • 2h 8m
  • 1998
Certified Fresh87%
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Hallie Parker, a hip Californian, and Annie James, a proper London miss (both played by Lindsay Lohan) are identical twins who don't even know each other exist -- until they accidentally meet at summer camp. Now they're up to their freckles in schemes and dreams to switch places, get their parents (Dennis Quaid and Natasha Richardson) back together, and have the family they've always wished for!
© 1998 Disney Enterprises, Inc.

Rotten Tomatoes® Score

Certified Fresh87%
Critics Consensus: Writer-director Nancy Meyers takes the winning formula of the 1961 original and gives it an amiable modern spin, while young star Lindsay Lohan shines in her breakout role.
More on Rotten Tomatoes

Additional Info

  • Genre:Family, Comedy
  • Release Date:July 29, 1998
  • Languages:English, Spanish
  • Captions:English, Spanish
  • Audio Format:
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