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The Cardinal | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

The Cardinal
The Cardinal
The Cardinal
  • UR
  • 2h 55m
  • 1963
A dedicated young American must face yearnings of the flesh, overcome his doubt and discover the courage of his convictions in the epic story of a young priest's rise to lead the College of Cardinals. Thomas Tryon, who later achieved fame as a blockbuster novelist, stars as the man who confronts racism in his native country, Nazis and the horrors of World War II, and the profoundly divisive social controversies of his time to become a Prince of the Church.
© 1963 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Additional Info

  • Genre:Drama
  • Release Date:December 12, 1963
  • Languages:English
  • Captions:English
  • Audio Format:
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