Saving Silverman | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

Saving Silverman

- PG-13
- 1h 32m
- 2001
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2 Best Friends + 1 Girlfriend = WAR! Darren Silverman (Jason Biggs), Wayne Lefessier (Steve Zahn) and J.D. McNugent (Jack Black) have been best friends since the fifth grade. Enter Judith (Amanda Peet), a cold-hearted beauty who digs her claws into sweet-natured Darren. She snatches him from his friends and even breaks up their cover band. J.D. and Wayne try every imaginable scheme to save Darren - and their friendship - but fail miserably. When they find out Darren has been brainwashed into marrying Judith, the dim-witted duo decide to kidnap her and reunite Darren with his long-lost love, before she becomes a nun!
© 2001 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.-United States Of America, Canada, The Bahamas, Bermuda, Freeport & Nassau © 2001 Village Roadshow Films (BVI) Limited - All Other Territories
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Dragged down by a plot lacking any sense of logic and obnoxious, unsympathetic characters, this comedy is more crude and mean-spirited than funny.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Comedy
- Release Date:February 9, 2001
- Languages:English, Spanish
- Captions:English, Spanish
- Audio Format:5.1
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