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Resurrect Dead | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

Resurrect Dead
Resurrect Dead
Resurrect Dead
  • NR
  • 1h 26m
  • 2011
From Focus Features, the premiere global brand in original and daring cinema, comes Focus World. Charged with finding the most exciting new voices in international and independent film, Focus World is proud to bring you Resurrect Dead, the real-life thriller straight out of its award-winning debut at the Sundance Film Festival. For decades, mysterious messages in the form of colorful tiles have appeared, pasted on the streets of major cities up and down the western hemisphere. Containing the same bizarre, unsettling message, which seems to concern resurrecting the world's dead, most people walk over them without a thought until now. Justin Duerr, long obsessed with the tiles, has begun a quest to unearth both their origins and meaning. But as he digs deeper, and the truth starts to be revealed, he'll discover a secret far more complex, surreal and closer to home than he ever imagined.
© 2011 Focus Features. All Rights Reserved.

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Additional Info

  • Genre:Documentary
  • Release Date:September 2, 2011
  • Languages:English
  • Captions:English
  • Audio Format:
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