Once Upon a Mattress | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
Once Upon a Mattress
Once Upon a Mattress
- PG
- 1h 27m
- 2005
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A whimsical, fractured telling classic fairytale of the "The Princess and The Pea," with Prince Dauntless: the handsome hero, desperate to find a wife. Dozens of woman have been tested and rejected as unsuitable by his mother, Queen Aggravian, who insists her son must marry a "true princess." The prince comes upon the lovable and definitely not shy – Princess Winnifred, but the Queen is appalled and conspires to cook up a test for "sensitivity" to get rid of her. What about a pea under 20 mattresses?
Additional Info
- Genre:Comedy, Fantasy, Family
- Release Date:December 18, 2005
- Languages:English, Spanish
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:Stereo
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