Mission to Mars | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

Mission to Mars
Mission to Mars
- PG
- 1h 53m
- 2000
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The year is 2020, and the first manned mission to Mars, commanded by Luke Graham (Don Cheadle), lands safely on the red planet. But the Martian landscape harbors a bizarre and shocking secret that leads to a mysterious disaster so catastrophic, it decimates the crew. Haunted by a cryptic last message from Graham, NASA launches the Mars Recovery Mission to investigate and bring back survivors -- if there are any. Confronted with nearly insurmountable dangers, but propelled by deep friendship, the team finally lands on Mars and makes a discovery so amazing, it takes your breath away. MISSION TO MARS is an action-packed rocket ride that will enthrall you with its stunning special effects.
© 2000 Touchstone Pictures
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Beauty only goes skin deep in this shallow but visually stunning film.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Sci-Fi, Thriller, Drama
- Release Date:March 10, 2000
- Languages:English, Spanish
- Captions:English, Spanish
- Audio Format:5.1
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