Edward Scissorhands | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
Edward Scissorhands

- PG-13
- 1h 45m
- 1990
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Johnny Depp, Wynona Ryder, Dianne Wiest and Vincent Price star in this unforgettable fairy tale from Tim Burton. Once upon a time, a kindly inventor created a charming young man named Edward. But the inventor died before he finished Edward, who had sharp metal shears for hands. Edward was sad and alone until a kind Avon lady invited him to live with her family in the fantastical land of Suburbia.
© 1990 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: The first collaboration between Johnny Depp and Tim Burton, Edward Scissorhands is a magical modern fairy tale with gothic overtones and a sweet center.
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Additional Info
- Genre:Fantasy, Drama
- Release Date:December 7, 1990
- Languages:English
- Captions:English, Spanish
- Audio Format:5.1
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