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16 Blocks | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

16 Blocks
16 Blocks
16 Blocks
  • PG-13
  • 1h 45m
  • 2006
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Bruce Willis stars as NYPD detective Jack Mosley, a cop assigned to drive petty criminal Eddie Bunker to testify. It should be a simple task. It should take 15 minutes. But a routine errand becomes a fight for survival that will change two men forever in 16 blocks. Out of shape, with a bad leg and a serious drinking problem, Jack (Willis--Sin City, The Sixth Sense) has a simple role on the force--clock in, clock out and stay out of trouble in between. When Jack shoves Eddie Bunker (Mos Def--Lackawanna Blues, Monster's Ball) into the back of his car, he doesn't notice the van looming behind them. Jack stops Eddie's execution, killing one assassin, but when Jack calls for backup, homicide detective Frank Nugent (David Morse--Hearts in Atlantis, The Green Mile) is the first to arrive at the scene. Eddie suddenly goes pale--one of the detectives on Nugent's team is the man against whom he is supposed to testify.
© 2006 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Rotten Tomatoes® Score

Critics Consensus: Despite strong performances from Bruce Willis and Mos Def, 16 Blocks is a shopworn entry in the buddy-action genre.
Brian Tallerico

There's a fine line between old-fashioned and cliched.

More on Rotten Tomatoes

Additional Info

  • Genre:Action, Drama
  • Release Date:March 3, 2006
  • Languages:English
  • Captions:English
  • Audio Format:
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