The Year of the Yao | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
The Year of the Yao

- PG
- 1h 28m
- 2005
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He's 7'5" tall, weighs 296 lbs. and carries the hopes and dreams of 1.3 billion people on his athletic shoulders. Dozens of articles have been written about him, and he's graced the covers of Sports Illustrated, The Sporting News, ESPN magazine, SLAM, Inside Stuff and Basketball Digest, as well as many other periodicals. He's appeared in commercials for Visa, Apple Computer and Gatorade. He was a basketball phenom in his native China and is now a sensation in the United States, playing center for the Houston Rockets. He's Yao Ming! See what all the excitement is about in The Year Of The Yao, a vibrant documentary that captures not only the exceptional athlete and Chinese hero who arrived in America with no command of the English language, but also the simple guy who now lives with his mother in Houston, Texas, and likes hanging out with friends, surfing the Internet and playing video games.
© 2005 New Line Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: This sports bio documentary is given a few fresh angles, including culture clash issues, and the friendship that develops between Yao and his interpreter.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Documentary
- Release Date:April 15, 2005
- Languages:English
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:5.1
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