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The Master of Disguise | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

The Master of Disguise
The Master of Disguise
The Master of Disguise
  • PG
  • 1h 20m
  • 2002
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The Disguisey family tree just dropped a nut... Pistachio. One minute he's an old woman. The next, a turtle man. Moments later, President George W. Bush. Who is this man, this myth, this master? He'sPistachio, the Master of Disguise. Pistachio Disguisey (Dana Carvey, Wayne's World) is a mild-mannered waiter whose life is about to change. Big time. Criminal mastermind Devlin Bowman (Brent Spiner, Star Trek: Nemesis) has kidnapped Pistachio's parents and is forcing his father Fabrizzio (James Brolin, Traffic) to steal priceless treasures from around the world. It's up to Pistachio to save the day, but how? His grandfather informs him of a secret family legacy: he's descended from a long line of brilliant disguise masters. Quickly trained in the ancient art of transformation and with the help of a sexy assistant (Jennifer Esposito, Don't Say a Word), a sacred pop-up book and a magic ball of knowledge, Pistachio just may surprise everyone. The Master of Disguise from Revolution Studios is an outrageous adventure comedy that's fun for the whole family.
© 2002 Revolution Studios Distribution Company, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Rotten Tomatoes® Score

Critics Consensus: An ill-concieved attempt to utilize Dana Carvey's talent for mimicry, The Master of Disguise is an irritating, witless farce weighted down by sophomoric gags.
More on Rotten Tomatoes

Additional Info

  • Genre:Comedy, Family
  • Release Date:August 1, 2002
  • Languages:English
  • Captions:English, Spanish
  • Audio Format:
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