Sullivan's Travels | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
Sullivan's Travels
Sullivan's Travels
- NR
- 1h 30m
- 1942
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Joel McCrea and sultry Veronica Lake star in this starkly realistic yet highly humorous satire from Oscar®-winning writer-director Preston Sturges. McCrea plays successful Hollywood director John L. Sullivan, an idealist who believes you can't accurately direct a screen tragedy unless you live it first. Disguising himself as a bum, Sullivan sets off to see America from the bottom up. Along the way he befriends a beautiful but cynical stray (Veronica Lake), and learns about the cruelty of life among the less fortunate. In the midst of the brutality and despair, the young director makes a valuable discovery - that what the downtrodden need most is laughter. Hailed by critics as Preston Sturges' masterpiece, Sullivan's Travels reveals the wonderful insight and artistry of one of Hollywood's finest directors.
© 1942 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Blending screwball comedy with a socially conscious message, Sullivan's Travels offers delightful proof of writer-director Preston Sturges' ability to provoke serious thought as well as helpless laughter.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Comedy
- Release Date:January 1, 1942
- Languages:English
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:Stereo
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