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She Hate Me | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

She Hate Me
She Hate Me
She Hate Me
  • R
  • 2h 19m
  • 2004
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When biotech exec Jack (Anthony Mackie, 8 Mile) blows the whistle on his greedy drug-conglomerate bosses (Woody Harrelson, Natural Born Killers, and Ellen Barkin, Sea of Love) over an insider-trading scandal, he gets more than he bargained for. Once this playa is played, he finds himself hitting rock bottom when an old flame, Fatima (Kerry Washington, Save the Last Dance), blows back into his life with the ultimate job offer: father her child, no strings attached. Teaming up to turn the tables on corporate culture, he sets up shop as a stud-for-hire at 10 G's a pop for a bevy of wealthy lesbians. When Jack delivers the goods, even his ex's glamazon gal pals can't resist his considerable...charms. Torn between love and money, Jack chases his American Dream all the way to the bank. But things heat up when Jack impregnates the Mafia daughter (Monica Bellucci, The Matrix Reloaded) of a notorious boss (John Turturro, Secret Window), triggering the FBI to expose Jack's cash-cow scheme.
© 2004 Forty Acres And A Mule Filmworks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Rotten Tomatoes® Score

Critics Consensus: She Hate Me can't decide if it wants to be a commentary on corporate greed or a sex farce.
More on Rotten Tomatoes

Additional Info

  • Genre:Drama, Comedy
  • Release Date:July 28, 2004
  • Languages:English, Spanish
  • Captions:English
  • Audio Format:
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