He Got Game | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

He Got Game
- R
- 2h 16m
- 1998
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Academy Award(R)-winner Denzel Washington stars in this must-see story about a convict given one shot at a second chance to be a father! With promises of a reduced sentence, Jake Shuttlesworth (Washington) is granted temporary release from state prison in order to persuade the nation's top basketball recruit ... his estranged son, Jesus (NBA basketball star, Ray Allen), to play ball for the governor's alma mater! But just as Jesus faces intense pressures and irresistible temptations contemplating his big decision, Jake is also forced to consider not only what's best for himself ... but what's best for his son! With a groundbreaking soundtrack by the legendary Public Enemy -- plus great cameos from John Turturro and basketball personalities Dick Vitale, John Thompson, Dean Smith, and more, HE GOT GAME is a critically acclaimed hit you don't want to miss!
© 1998 Touchstone Pictures
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Though not without its flaws, He Got Game finds Spike Lee near the top of his game, combining trenchant commentary with his signature visuals and a strong performance from Denzel Washington.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Drama
- Release Date:May 1, 1998
- Languages:English, Spanish
- Captions:English, Spanish
- Audio Format:5.1
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