Final Destination | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

Final Destination
Final Destination
- R
- 1h 38m
- 2000
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Death doesn't take no for an answer. Death is coming. And Alex Browning is cursed with knowing when, how and where the grim reaper will take his next victim to the Final Destination. After boarding a plane to Europe with his fellow, French, club members, high school student Alex Browning (Devon Sawa) has a premonition of the aircraft exploding moments after takeoff, killing everyone on board. Alex panics, insisting that everyone get off the plane. In the melee that ensues, seven people, including Alex, are forced to disembark--saving them from a fiery death when the plane explodes as Alex foresaw. But as, one by one, each of these seven who cheated fate meets an untimely end, Alex and his remaining friends band together to try to change destiny and outwit the untamable forces of death.
© 2000 New Line Productions, Inc.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Despite a panel of X-Files' alums at the helm and a promising premise, flighty performances and poor execution keep Final Destination from ever taking off.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Thriller, Horror
- Release Date:March 17, 2000
- Languages:English
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:5.1
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