Crimson Tide | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

Crimson Tide
- R
- 1h 56m
- 1995
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Dynamic Denzel Washington joins Hollywood favorite, Gene Hackman, along with Viggo Mortensen and James Gandolfini in this intense action thriller that's a smash hit with audiences and critics alike. In the midst of a global crisis, the USS Alabama receives an unconfirmed order to launch its nuclear missiles -- signaling the start of World War III. The tension quickly rises as the sub's respected commander (Hackman) and his brilliant executive officer (Washington) clash over the validity of their orders, battling each other for control of the sub. As this epic struggle rages under the sea, Crimson Tide brings motion picture excitement to a new level and you to the edge of your seat.
© 1995 Hollywood Pictures & Don Simpson Productions, Inc. and Jerry Bruckheimer, Inc.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Boasting taut, high energy thrills and some cracking dialogue courtesy of an uncredited Quentin Tarantino, Crimson Tide finds director Tony Scott near the top of his action game.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Drama, Action, Thriller
- Release Date:May 12, 1995
- Languages:English, Spanish
- Captions:English, Spanish
- Audio Format:5.1
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