Contact | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

- PG
- 2h 30m
- 1997
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"We are not alone..." Two-time Academy Award-winner Jodie Foster and Hollywood's brightest new star, Matthew McConaughey, shine in this spellbinding drama of a dedicated astronomer's quest to make first Contact. Despite scorn from her colleagues, "Ellie" Arroway devoutly eavesdrops on the universe. And then, one fateful morning, she hears a cryptic signal. As the world's scientists scramble to decode "the message," Ellie must struggle to become Earth's single emissary on a journey beyond theory or experience. Seeking support, she turns top-level government advisor, Palmer Joss . Separated by very different beliefs, they reunite in their passion for knowledge and truth. From Academy Award-winning director Robert Zemeckis and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Carl Sagan's best-seller comes the story of a visionary scientist's unshakable conviction that somewhere in this boundless universe an intelligence yearns for Contact.
© 1997 Warner Bros. All Rights Reserved
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Contact elucidates stirring scientific concepts and theological inquiry at the expense of satisfying storytelling, making for a brainy blockbuster that engages with its ideas, if not its characters.
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Additional Info
- Genre:Sci-Fi, Drama
- Release Date:July 11, 1997
- Languages:English
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:5.1
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