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Con Air | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

Con Air
Con Air
Con Air
  • R
  • 1h 55m
  • 1997
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America's most hardened and dangerous criminals are transported via Con Air, customized armored aircraft equipped with armed guards, hand and leg shackles, and top secret destinations that even the prisoners aren't privy to. No one has ever escaped from one of these flying fortresses---until now. In this action-packed thriller, a group of violent and deadly cons seizes control of one of the planes, taking the guards hostage and setting a course out of the country. Poe, an inmate who has done his time and is being shipped home to be reunited with his family, proves to be a fly in the ointment who battles for control of the aircraft, averting disaster and, in a thrilling climax brings the plane down safely in Las Vegas and brings the cons to justice.
© 1997 Touchstone Pictures & Jerry Bruckheimer, Inc.

Rotten Tomatoes® Score

Critics Consensus: Con Air won't win any awards for believability - and all involved seem cheerfully aware of it, making some of this blockbuster action outing's biggest flaws fairly easy to forgive.
More on Rotten Tomatoes

Additional Info

  • Genre:Thriller, Action
  • Release Date:June 6, 1997
  • Languages:English, Spanish
  • Captions:English, Spanish
  • Audio Format:
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