21 (2008) | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
21 (2008)
21 (2008)
- PG-13
- 2h 3m
- 2008
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Inspired by the true story of MIT students who mastered the art of card counting and took Vegas casinos for millions in winnings. Looking for a way to pay for tuition, Ben Campbell (Jim Sturgess) finds himself quietly recruited by MIT's most gifted students in a daring plot to break Vegas. With the help of a brilliant statistics professor (Kevin Spacey) and armed with fake IDs, intelligence and a complicated system of counting cards, Ben and his friends succeed in breaking the impenetrable casinos. Now, his challenge is keeping the numbers straight and staying one step ahead of the casinos before it all spirals out of control.
© 2008 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. and GH Three LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: 21 could have been a fascinating study had it not supplanted the true story on which it is based with mundane melodrama.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Thriller, Drama
- Release Date:March 28, 2008
- Languages:English
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:5.1
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