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1776 | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

  • NR
  • 2h 45m
  • 1972
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You'll be seeing stars and stripes as the most fascinating leaders in American history come to life in 1776, a musical about the birth of a nation! With the Boston Harbor still stained from over-taxed British tea, a revolution is brewing in the colonies! And now England has thousands of troops headed for America's shores to squelch her subjects' freedom-loving spirit! It's up to John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson to convince a stubborn congress of British colonists to unite as American patriots turn the inevitable war with England into a Declaration of Independence!
© 1972 , renewed 2000 , 2002 Columbia Pictures Industries , Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Additional Info

  • Release Date:August 11, 1972
  • Languages:English
  • Captions:English
  • Audio Format:
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