Victor/Victoria | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
- PG
- 2h 13m
- 1983
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Julie Andrews stars as a struggling Paris cabaret singer who becomes the toast of the town when she goes on stage as female impersonator Victor/Victoria. 1930s. As the favorite of Paris' nightlife Victoria Grant's (Andrews) act as female impersonator Count Viktor Grezhinski brings her all the fame and fortune she could ever desire. Then tough-guy Chicago gangster/nightclub owner King Marchand (James Garner) walks into her cabaret. Sparks fly as the two are inexorably drawn to each other ... but Marchand doesn't realize that the object of his desire is a she, impersonating a he, impersonating a she. And Victoria cannot reveal her ruse without risking her celebrity and success. Now, as this screwball musical comedy from director Blake Edwards (Pink Panther films, 10) careens to a wild climax, genders will bend, secrets will be revealed, closets will open and hearts will melt!
© 1982 Ladbroke Entertainments Limited.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Driven by a fantastic lead turn from Julie Andrews, Blake Edwards' musical gender-bender is sharp, funny and all-round entertaining.
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Additional Info
- Genre:Comedy
- Release Date:March 19, 1983
- Languages:English
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:Stereo
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