The Contender | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
The Contender
The Contender
- R
- 2h 6m
- 2000
Sexy secrets from a womans past come to light as she runs for Vice President.
© 2000 Battlefield, Inc. and Cinecontender Internationale Filmproduktions, GmbH And Company 1 And Beteilgungs, KG. All rights reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: The Contender wears its political heart on its sleeve, but strong performances and a solid screenplay help the end result add up to a gripping drama from either side of the aisle.
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Additional Info
- Genre:Drama, Thriller
- Release Date:October 13, 2000
- Languages:English
- Captions:English, Spanish
- Audio Format:5.1
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