R.I.P.D. | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

- PG-13
- 1h 35m
- 2013
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Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds headline this supernatural action-adventure as two cops dispatched by the Rest In Peace Department (R.I.P.D.) to protect and serve the living from increasingly destructive spirits hiding among the unsuspecting on Earth. When they uncover a plot that could end life as we know it, the new partners have to turn grudging respect into top-notch teamwork to restore the cosmic balance...or watch the tunnel to the afterlife begin sending angry souls the very wrong way.
© 2013 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: It has its moments -- most of them courtesy of Jeff Bridges' rootin' tootin' performance as an undead Wild West sheriff -- but R.I.P.D. is ultimately too dim-witted and formulaic to satisfy.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Action, Comedy, Fantasy
- Release Date:July 19, 2013
- Languages:English
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:5.1
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