Mrs. Miniver | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
Mrs. Miniver
Mrs. Miniver
- UR
- 2h 14m
- 1942
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Greer Garson delivers an Academy Award-winning performance as a British wife and mother whose courage and grace hold her family together through the terror of the World War II German Blitz--Mrs. Miniver. In this film lauded by Prime Minister Winston Churchill, which eloquently captures the hopes of England and America at a time defeat by Nazi Germany seems imminent, Mrs. Kay Miniver (Garson) refuses to allow the war to destroy her family even as she huddles with her children through bombing raids, faces enemy paratroopers and fears for her husband's life as he fights in a string of crushing defeats.
© 1942 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: An excessively sentimental piece of propaganda, Mrs. Miniver nonetheless succeeds, due largely to Greer Garson's powerful performance.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Drama
- Release Date:June 4, 1942
- Languages:English
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:Stereo
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