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House of Flying Daggers | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

House of Flying Daggers
House of Flying Daggers
House of Flying Daggers
  • PG-13
  • 1h 59m
  • 2004
Certified Fresh87%
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"Prepare your eyes for popping," in this "martial-arts fireball that throws in a lyrical love story, headspinning fights and dazzling surprises" (Rolling Stone). "A gorgeous entertainment" (A.O. Scott, New York Times). Mei is an exotic, beautiful blind dancer, associated with a dangerous revolutionary gang, known as the House of Flying Daggers. Captured by officers of the decadent Tang Dynasty, Mei finds herself both threatened - and attracted - to the most unusual circumstances. Here, her heart and loyalties battle each other, amid warriors in the treetops and dazzling combat - the likes of which have never before been seen!
© 2004 Elite Group (2003) Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Locked video


44 MIN

Locked video

Creating the Visual Effects


Locked video

Storyboard Comparisons

16 MIN

Rotten Tomatoes® Score

Certified Fresh87%
Critics Consensus: The visual splendor of the movie makes up for the weak story.
More on Rotten Tomatoes

Additional Info

  • Genre:Drama, Action
  • Release Date:July 15, 2004
  • Languages:Chinese
  • Captions:English
  • Audio Format:
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