Breakthrough | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

- PG
- 1h 57m
- 2019
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When Joyce Smith’s son John falls through an icy lake, all hope seems lost. But as John lies lifeless, Joyce refuses to give up, and her steadfast belief inspires those around her to pray for his recovery. Based on the incredible true story of one mother’s unwavering devotion, Breakthrough is an enthralling reminder that faith and love can create a mountain of hope, and sometimes even a miracle.
© 2019 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Like its lead character, Breakthrough is fiercely focused on faith -- but its less subtle elements are balanced by strong performances and an uplifting story.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Drama
- Release Date:April 17, 2019
- Languages:English
- Captions:English, Spanish
- Audio Format:5.1
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