Funny Games | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

Funny Games
Funny Games
- R
- 1h 52m
- 2008
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In an English-language remake of his 1997 German thriller, acclaimed director Michael Haneke (Caché) creates a claustrophobic tale of two deeply disturbed young men who take a family hostage in a vacation home invasion. Produced and starring Academy Award® nominee Naomi Watts (21 Grams, The Painted Veil, King Kong), Haneke's harrowing film also features Tim Roth (Pulp Fiction), Michael Pitt (The Village) and more in an exploration of violence in our society and in our entertainment.
©2007 Celluloid Dreams Productions - Halcyon Pictures - Tartan Films - X Filme International
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Though made with great skill, Funny Games is nevertheless a sadistic exercise in chastising the audience.
More on Rotten Tomatoes
Additional Info
- Genre:Thriller, Drama
- Release Date:March 14, 2008
- Languages:English
- Captions:English
- Audio Format:5.1
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