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Friday Night Lights | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

Friday Night Lights
Friday Night Lights
Friday Night Lights
  • PG-13
  • 1h 57m
  • 2004
Certified Fresh82%
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Academy Award-winning producer Brain Grazer ( 8 Mile) and director Peter Berg (Welcome To The Jungle, Very Bad Things) team up with Oscar winner Billy Bob Throton (Bandits, Bad Santa) to create what THE SUN called " a must-see sporting classic." Fiday NIght Lights chronicles the 1988 season of a courageous bunch of friends, the Permian High Panthers, the most successful football team in texas' history. For the young men of the team, every play is a chance to transcend their small town and the fleeting dream of gridiron stardom whoce pinnalce may be reached by the time they turn 18. The movie paints a vivid portrait of Odessa and the places like it across America where once a week during the fall season, the town and its hopes come alive beneath the dazzling Friday night lights.
© 2004 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.

Rotten Tomatoes® Score

Certified Fresh82%
Critics Consensus: An acute survey of the football-obsessed heartland that succeeds as both a stirring drama and a rousing sports movie.
More on Rotten Tomatoes

Additional Info

  • Genre:Drama
  • Release Date:October 8, 2004
  • Languages:English
  • Captions:English
  • Audio Format:
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